chalimoé (Charlotte Lim)
Bachelor of Media Arts (Hons) / Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
i hope senpai will notice my art
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In line with Postinternet ideologies, chalimoé's 'i hope senpai will notice my art' is more concerned with commenting on communications technology, than being medium-native to the internet itself. chalimoé presents affectionately hand-painted depictions of digital icons, symbols and memes, rendered as 2.5D paintings/sculptures—not quite three-dimensional, but not quite 2D either. Although these works may photograph well front-on, this 2.5D effect can only be fully experienced in person, emphasising the artworks' materiality as 'real-world' objects, and not just a happenstance in the process of creating a digital image. chalimoé thereby unpacks the relationship between the 'online' and the 'offline', the 'virtual' and the 'real'.
chalimoé's accompanying research output can be found at