Lily Fenwicke
Bachelor of Fine Arts / Bachelor of Arts

'Abundance' reflects Lily Fenwicke's desire to blend a sociological questioning of gender norms with ceramics through an experimentation with form and ritual. Lily's work emerges from an engagement with the symbolism of ancient fertility goddesses, and a reflection upon the extensive history of representations of womanhood and motherhood in art. In light of this research, this work questions what the concept of ‘fertility’ might signify within a 21st century context. Ancient goddess worship was traditionally aligned with an evolving recognition of the profound power within individuals and the earth; following this notion, this work invites the audience to explore what it means to live a full, abundant life within contemporary society, and how art can create a space to ponder these thoughts. This artwork, acting as a public shrine, invites the viewer to pause and reflect on what living an abundant life means to them, and how humans have evolved over time to look inwards to fulfill their own desires, rather than outwards.