Siân Davies
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hons)
Uncanny Mapping
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'Uncanny Mapping' engages spatial sculpture to explore a dynamic mapping of aberrant materiality in public urban spaces in relation to the normative and institutionalised structures that surround us. Within this mapping, speculative spaces are opened up that suggest new and unexpected material relationships and material operations. What unfolds is a re-encountering and re-organising of pre-existing materials, surfaces and space to test ways we can perceive them differently.
Crucially, Siân Davies is the mapmaker. Given that she is operating in and gleaning from the public realm, an implicit socio-political questioning emerges around the authorship of public spaces and our interactions with contemporary constructions by which we are increasingly surrounded. It is inside this process of mapping, rather than a pre-determined method of production, that the project finds its essence.