![The Butterfly Effect](https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/unsw-artdesign-annual2017-assets/23884/Capestone-%20Sneha%20Desai-page-001.jpg)
Sneha Desai, Gege (Athena) Zu, and Tamanna Purohit
Master of Design
The Butterfly Effect
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This design studio project has merged the two elements of nature and design to steer society towards functioning in a way that is beneficial for future generations and for the planet. This project aims to reduce CO2 emissions in Sydney's CBD to minimise the negative repercussions such as rising temperatures that are increasingly impacting human psychology. To achieve this, Sneha Desai, Gege (Athena) Zu, and Tamanna Purohit have designed an ecologically sound system for work spaces. Drawing upon the concept of the 'butterfly effect', this project explores how the smallest of positive changes can have significant consequences over time. In doing so, Sneha, Gege and Tamanna attempt to question and transform the current work space system by understanding how it has evolved in order to facilitate a smooth transition for employees. By integrating plants into the workplace, this project aims to explore the benefits of nature in relieving stress, increasing productivity, and providing opportunities to build a staff community.