Jordan Fleming
Bachelor of Media Arts (Hons)
Sharing is Caring
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Throughout his work, Jordan Fleming provokes reflections upon the dichotomy between humanity and social media. Social media has enmeshed itself into our cultural milieu, engendering new behavioural norms, and changing attitudes towards intimacy and conceptions of the self through the emergence of online identities and the rising culture of surveillance.
Jordan's 32 page comic book 'Sharing is Caring' allegorically explores these notions, engaging with the comic book as a medium which has been enhanced rather than replaced by the internet as manifested in webcomics and meme culture. The narrative follows the protagonist Liz as she explores her relationship with the comic's symbolism for social media. Through Liz's journey, the viewer is encouraged to examine the positive and negative aspects of social media. Jordan neither condemns nor celebrates social media and its new cultural norms, but intends to highlight the importance of examining our own relationships with such transformative technologies and their impact upon the human condition.