Estee Sarsfield
Bachelor of Design (Hons)
Keeping Time: Timepiece #3
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'Timepiece #3' is an email based subscription service where recipients receive the 5,423 words which comprise Estee Sarsfield’s Honours paper. These are sent one word at a time through a daily scheduled email, with the intention of transcending this project from the one-year set timeframe to continuing for the next 14.85 years. 'Timepiece #3' invites speculation into a future. It looks at ideas of wasted, unproductive time; the text disjointed, non-cohesive and static is received slowly and durationally. It acts as a measurement of time within itself, and is fixed in its duration – a subscription partway through the service will deliver only part of the text. This piece began on June 9th 2017, and is scheduled to end on April 13th 2032. Participants are encouraged to subscribe at any point within this timeframe.